共為你找到:200筆voice to mp3 recorder 相關企業資訊
本公司經營海底電纜電信業務擁有第一及第二類電信執照,係外商在台子公司。 REACH will work with you to provide an innovative suite of services designed to allow you to grow your business by offering end-to-end communication services to your customers. Through our global partnerships, we can provide services integrated with Asia domestic networks and delivered into Europe East and North and South America. The services inclusive of Data Services, IP Services, Voice Services, Satellite Services and Added Services.
詮勝國際股份有限公司 成立於2001年6月1日,於業界累積至今已有20餘年之經歷,為知名鞄、袋、箱、配件品牌代理商,曾經代理的品牌皆為國內主流並具指標性的知名品牌。 現於新光三越SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI、誠品ESLITE、京華城CPCITY LIVING MALL等 ,國內知名百貨、購物中心設置品牌專櫃。並擁有200餘個經銷點,為台灣國內建構箱包行銷網絡之最。 2007年3月於台北車站商圈,成立全國第一家箱包連鎖通路BTU BAG TO YOU天成店,至今已有70家直營門市。
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Soundwin Network is dedicated to develop advanced voice / video /data access triple play devices such us ATA / VoIP Gateway / High-end Home Gateway over SIP protocol for SOHO/Enterprise/ITSP. Soundwin Philosophy Soundwin designs its VoIP solutions and SIP protocol without cutting the PSTN cord. Soundwin Product are built with these five characteristics: Superior and reliable voice and video quality over internet. Interoperability with other products Products that are easy to install, use, and manage Total solution in video and voice network product Open architectures and standards compliance VoIP網路語音及影像傳輸的誕生,顛覆了傳統的溝通方式,而Internet的力量更創造語音Voice、影像Video媒體Media的無限可能,以自有品牌Soundwin創立於2004年的上盈通訊,積極投入VoIP網路語音傳輸設備研發,對全球市場趨勢保持敏銳的觀察力,以創新服務、提供客戶所需要的解決方案。 上盈通訊所服務的客戶皆是國內知名網通廠;上盈為品牌網通廠研發ODM產品,或是為國內外電信公司客製化語音網路產品等。透過與世界大廠合作完成專案的過程中,接觸到最新的市場發展動態及技術,並累積實力。 軟體硬體研發團隊方向: 以Embedded Linux 為開發平台,投注SIP通訊協定應用開發,並以VoIP為核心技術,開發市場高附加價值產品。 在 VoIP 產品開發上,上盈通訊軟體工程團隊不斷持續開發出功能眾多、不用額外鋪設電話網路、且擴充彈性極佳的IP交換機系統。此外,數位化語音在搭配各種網路應用服務後,將可發展多種擴充功能如多方會議、自動話務分配、即時管理與監控、自動產生通話紀錄與報表等,增加系統的附加價值。 另一方面,有好的聲音品質及穩定的產品是VoIP產品的基礎,因此投入資源於硬體數位及類比電路研發,使VoIP的電話介面SLIC及DAA晶片效能更能發揮。 市場行銷方針及市場定位: 與國內外VoIP市場ITSP或是SI建立長久通路,針對國內外市場提供客製化VoIP產品服務及高附加價值產品。 藉由參加國外資訊通訊展如漢諾威Cebit展,新加坡CommunicAsia,杜拜Gitex展,台北Comuptex展,西班牙SIMO展,芝加哥NXTcomm展建立國外通路。
JOSN ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. was founded in 1997, Over the years JOSN ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. has grown remarkably and has become one of the leading Wireless TPMS expert in the world. In addition, JOSN ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. is cooperate with Taipei Metro System that produce and offer only the highest quality wireless data recorder. Another integral part of JOSN ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. is the fact that we are the wireless products supplier for military. Our efficient and expert service has also earned us the trust of customers from around the world. Our goal is to continuously provide the highest quality products to all our clients. JOSN ELECTRONIC CO., LTD.sincerely hopes that we will have the opportunity to serve you in expanding your market shares in the near future. If you have any interests in any items from the web site or other items not listed, please feel free to contact us. We hope this will be the first step to a mutual, long term and fruitful business partnership
聯絡人:曾先生 聯絡手機:0938-108-847 電子郵件:[email protected] 大成網站:http://www.citiboss.uuu.to/ 大成網站:http://www.citiboss.url.tw/ 總公司:台南市安南區郡安路六段1號 電話:06-2581995 分公司:新北市三重區重陽路2段34巷22號 電話:02-89858380
創智實業(Digidock Development Inc.)成立於2006年, 然digidock品牌在2001年即登錄於創智科技(Cruxtek Development Inc.) 使用於消費性電子產品,除客人委任之OEM/ODM 設計製造外, 創智實業更積極於品牌及通路的建立行銷於全世界 。 創智實業成員多源自微電腦科技產業,藉由成熟IT技術,繁衍出精緻且便於使用的消費性電子產品,即是創智實業的立業精神。從早期的DVR(Digital Video Recorder)數位監控系統, PVR(Personal Video Recorder)個人影音系統到至今的FM Transmitter MP3轉播器, DPF(Digital Photo Frame)電子數位相框及DSA(Digital Signage Appliance)數位影像傳播設備, 所有產品設計重心,皆以人機介面為最優先考量點。
GAIA was incorporated in April 2005 to help meet the growing demands caused by the rapid rise of the Internet and personal computing. Since incorporation, GAIA has achieved the highest standards in research and development, production, quality assurance, logistics, sales and after sales service. Especially more concentrate and focus on new 3 major products line in below. Home Media Solution - DVBS Card/Box, TV tuner card Portable Media Solution - MP3 player, MP4 player Communication Networking - Modem, ADSL Broadband Router, Switch HUB, Wi-Fi series GAIA has professional teams in both Taiwan China to offer qualified products with competitive prices, also do logistics and provide after service for all of our valued customers. From year of 2005, we devote ourselves into Media solution promotion, GAIA’s mission is " Guide Audience Into Amusement ". Media Center Kits MP3 player catch worldwide attention. With this success, we are getting confident in developing Home Media devices and Portable series.
Founded in 1975, Ipsos is a company of inquiring minds and passionate people giving a voice and shape to the thoughts of millions of individuals around the world. Ipsos is also the only independent, publicly-listed company in its field that is managed by research professionals. We explore, probe and challenge conventional wisdom. We assess market potential and interpret market trends. We test products and advertising, and help our clients build long-term relationships with customers. - Rank among global survey-based research company: No. 3 - Listed on the Paris Bourse since 1999 - Total Revenues in 2008: 979 million euros - Number of countries with Ipsos offices: 60+ - Total number of countries we do research in: 100+ - Number of full-time Ipsos employees: 8,000+ 易普索成立於1975年,是一個集合眾人智慧並且由一群對行銷研究及市場調查領域懷有熱情的人所組成的公司,提供全世界千萬人的聲音與想法。易普索也是全球研究調查專業領域中,唯一由行銷及市場調查專業人士來管理,而且獨立、公開發行上市的公司。 我們探討、調查及挑戰傳統,我們評估市場潛能及解釋市場趨勢,我們測試產品及廣告,並幫助我們的客戶與他們的顧客建立長遠的關係。 - 全球第三大專案市場研究公司 - 1999年7月在巴黎股票上市 - 2008營收: 979百萬歐元,約460億台幣 - 在全球各地超過60個分公司 - 全球共有超過8,000名全職員工 - 每年執行超過2千萬個訪問
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